Monday, January 25, 2010

Something that shouts "ME"

Hi all
I realised that I made a post without first introducing myself.
I’m a 3rd year Mechanical Engineer student specialising in Automotive Engineering. I realise I’m the only engineer in the class so hopefully I carry the name of my faculty well. Hope I do not come across as an “engiNERD”. I’m actually quite the opposite really.
A bit about myself I used to be really active in sports doing gymnastics in secondary school and JC followed by canoe polo in year 1 of NUS. But as you can probably see I’ve not been exercising for a while and I don’t look like one. I use to enjoy soccer as well when younger and in the army. Now I enjoy more indoor and quieter activities.
I’m someone who loves the company of friends. My mum is often annoyed that I spend so much of my time out with my friends. When I’m out with my friends we do what typical Singaporeans love doing; shopping and eating. I enjoy shopping with my rich friends because it is really an eye opener for me (or you will never know where the rich people spend their money on). Also, we would drive around the island just to satisfy our cravings. We will also hang out at nice places just to chat away over tea and cake. Another bunch of my friends enjoy singing and we will go into a KTV to sing our lungs out. I also enjoy a quiet game of poker (texas hold’em) and mah-jong.
There will be times where I just want to be home and alone too. That is when I’ll park myself for hours in front of my computer either on computer games or on YouTube. I’m not really into Facebook so I’m not very prompt there. There is one particular show that I religiously watch and that is “The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson”(on CBS every week night) on YouTube. He is a stand up comedian and I love watching him. Hopefully one day I can be as confident in my speech that I can stand in front of a crowd and put smiles on their faces. If there is one thing I would recommend to my friends here in ES2007S is Craig Ferguson. Even amidst the entertainment of watching his monologue, we can still pick up lots of communication skills from him.
Alright I think I’ve bored you enough already. And in case you were looking for “leopard PREENS” and “ZEEPBRA” in this post then there you go... ( the bad English is embedded within the post for you to spot)
P.S. If you share some common interest we can gladly have a heated discussion in the comments column.


  1. Another stand-up comedian I really like would be Russell Peters, although he can be rather racist at times. Heh!

  2. Oh yes he is really good ! But there is not enough of him that is FREE. I can't afford the tickets and they don't bring them to singapore at all... So you tube and google is all i rely on for all these humour

  3. I LOVE CRAIG FERGUSON! I used to watch him religiously too back when I was home, before coming to NUS. Back when YouTube was actually crawling with 10-minute monologue it just has the short 2-3 minute clips by CBS. Do you know where else I can find the full monologues?

    The closest I ever got to him was when he came to Kuwait, which is sort of close to Oman where I grew up :P haha something about his Scottish accent and his playful antics.... And how he starts every single show with "It's a great great day for America everybody"

    Yes you're right, it's wonderful how stand-up comedians seem to radiate confidence. We really can learn a lot from them.

  4. You can subscribe to this user on Youtube


    he religiously uploads every episode everyday. Hope you enjoy watching it. :)

    Its a great day for america everybody...

